Sentry Head Blue Goose Decoys


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Sentry Head Blue Goose Decoys


Product Details

SKU: SH-BLU-1 Categories: ,



We think blue geese would win the beauty contest in the goose world. The color variations are endless; one bird is more beautiful than the next. 

It took several versions to get it right, but in 2005, we were speechless when we got the final print. The blue goose artwork has vivid, flat, and accurate colors. The Tyvek® material we print on is rotproof and waterproof—the ideal material for the “fowl” weather we sometimes see in the spring. Dimensions of our blue goose body are 12″ W X 19″ L, and it’s fitted with three drain holes, so water flows through the decoy body.

In the flocks we hunt, the percentage of blue geese varies. If you hunt the mid-south or midwest, 25% blue goose decoys are a good starting point. In Manitoba, blue geese make up 60-80% of the colonies that move through there. The farther west you go, California, for example, has very few blues.

 BackBone Supports™:

 Simple, patented, and made from no-break plastic. We have been hunting with these supports since 2006. We made a few tweaks initially, but the support we sell today is flawless and has stayed the same for about a decade.

3D Hard Plastic Head:

Sentry blue goose has a white hard plastic head. We have heads that we added to our snow goose spreads in 2009 that are still in great shape. That is more than a decade of 60 + days a year in a guide rig – can you say EXTREME TESTING! The head can be used as a handle to push or pull the decoys into the ground. 

Stake Options: 

Sentry blue goose comes with two stake options, 3/16 stainless steel or 1/4 fiberglass, which is 30″ long. We suggest adding a thread locker for the stainless stake and gluing the fiberglass during assembly. If done correctly, the stake will become part of the head. If you want to disassemble the head from the stake in the future, you shouldn’t do this step.  


We sell a windsock decoy bag separately. Assembled sentry decoys fill it with 50 decoys. Our decoys bags are the easiest way to count, store, organize, and transport the decoys. We keep our spread organized by painting the ends of the decoy bag of each spread a different color. 

Features Include:
  • Patented No-Break Backbone™ Support
  • Choose Stake Option: Powder Coated Stainless Steel or Fiberglass.
  • Tyvek® Body: Waterproof – Rot Proof – Detailed Color Print
  • Space Saving: 48-headed windsocks take up the space of 2 Full Bodies
  • Motion Decoy

We offer bulk pricing on large orders. This offer is open to anyone, guides, outfitters, freelance, or clubs. You may mix and match species, and it also applies to accessories such as decoy bags, flyers, pole kits, and bird cleaners. Bulk prices are not available on the website. Please call us at 563-382-4883. We would be happy to assist you.


